Inside the Anorexic and Bulimic Brain
Let's take a look at the anorexic and bulimic brain as we consider eating disorders to be biologically-based illnesses.
Eating Disorders on Film
Let's think more critically about eating disorders on film. How has their representation been both positive and negative?
The Impact of Media on Eating Disorders: Dissonance-Based Treatment and Body Positivity
A fascinating new study uses a dissonance-based approach to use the media to aid eating disorder treatment.
Men and Eating Disorders: Eating Disorders Aren't Just a Women's Issue
Research indicates that eating disorders affect people of all ages and genders. Today, let's look at men and eating disorders.
Outcomes and Intentions: A Year In Review
In today's blog post, we want to look at our outcomes for 2016 and then look ahead to our intentions for the coming year.
Will My Eating Disorder Be A Lifelong Battle?
The false notion that eating disorders are a lifelong battle can prevent many from initiating treatment or achieving desired results.
Navigating the Cost of Eating Disorder Treatment
In today's blog post, let's talk about navigating the cost of eating disorder treatment. Insurance coverage for specialized care is limited.
How Are We Doing?
The most important question to ask when seeking treatment for eating disorders: "What are your results and how do you measure them?”
Help for Bulimia
Learn more about help for bulimia. We find that, with the right intervention, people are able to quickly make significant changes.
Short-Term Treatment for Eating Disorders: Don't Look Back
Research indicates that early, focused, and short-term treatment leads to best outcomes for eating disorder patients.
Outpatient Eating Disorder Treatment: The Least Restrictive Setting
Eating disorder treatment should be offered in the least restrictive setting that is best suited to the individual’s needs and preferences.

Find a CBT-E Therapist for Eating Disorders
Let's take a closer look at how to find the right CBT-E therapist for comprehensive eating disorder treatment.
Adults With Anorexia: The Evidence Base
The evidence base shows that the best treatment for most adults with anorexia is CBT-E provided in the least restrictive setting possible.