CP Research Corner: A Content Analysis of "Pro-Ana" Websites
A recent study examined the content in fitspiration, thinspiration, and bonespiration on social media outlets and "pro-ana" websites.
Holiday Season Stressors: Promoting Awareness
For individuals with eating disorders, holiday season stressors can overwhelm the merriment of "the most wonderful time of the year."
What's Control Got To Do With It
For some individuals, researchers believe that restrictive eating is motivated by an over-evaluation of or a desire for self-control.
The NEWEAT Project For Smartphones
Researchers would like to develop smartphone technology (The NEWEAT Project) to be used both prior to and during eating disorder treatment.
CP Research Corner: Genes and Anorexia Nervosa
In a recent research study, Duncan, et al. (2017) analyzed the relationship between genes and anorexia nervosa (AN).
BEDA 2017 Professional Roundtable Discussion: What is Therapist Drift?
At the BEDA 2017 Professional Roundtable Discussion, we discussed therapist drift, when therapists deviate from evidence-based approaches.
ACT: Cognitive Fusion
From the perspective of ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy), the intensity of anxiety arises from a process known as cognitive fusion.
What Is ARFID?
Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID) is an eating disorder diagnosis that has been introduced into the DSM-5.
CP Research Corner: Mothers and Daughters
Researchers wanted to identify associations between psychological profile and eating behavior of mothers and daughters with AN, BN, and BED.
Join the Columbus Park Roundtable Discussion at the Annual BEDA Conference in Brooklyn
Columbus Park will be hosting a roundtable discussion at 3:15pm on Friday, November 3, 2017 at the BEDA/NEDA National Conference.
What Is Night Eating Syndrome?
With the DSM-5 came the first formal criteria for night eating syndrome (NES), despite its original description nearly 60 years ago.

Novel Interventions for Enduring AN
Occasionally, we treat adult clients who have been in multiple treatments over the span of years and continue to struggle with enduring AN.
What Is Therapist Drift?
Therapist drift references a clinician’s tendency to deviate from evidence-based treatment as protocols are often viewed negatively.
CP Research Corner: A Vicious Cycle Among Cognitions and Behaviors Enhancing Risk for Eating Disorders
Research findings suggest that appearance orientation, appearance worries, and dieting create a cycle of enhancing risk for eating disorders.
CP Research Corner: Executive Functions in Adolescents with Binge Eating Disorder and Obesity
Kittel, Schmidt, and Hilbert examined executive functions (EF) in youth with BED and obesity, obesity only, and normal weight controls.
Parental Involvement and Childhood Eating Disorders
A study out of Laurentian University examines the role that parental involvement plays in childhood eating disorder treatment and recovery.
App-Based Data Collection and the Future of Eating Disorder Treatment
Through app-based data collection, smartphones may change the future of eating disorder treatment, according to the EU Research Council.