CP Research Corner: Therapeutic Alliance and Treatment Outcome
While therapeutic alliance is an important factor in favorable outcomes, the effects of it relative to early change remains undefined.
Technology for Eating Disorders: The Major Players
Various researchers and clinical teams have worked to evaluate the efficacy and efficiency of technology for eating disorders and treatments.
What Is ARFID?
Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID) is an eating disorder diagnosis that has been introduced into the DSM-5.
What Is Night Eating Syndrome?
With the DSM-5 came the first formal criteria for night eating syndrome (NES), despite its original description nearly 60 years ago.
Overall Quality of Life and Subjective Experiences as Novel Predictors of Long-Term Recovery
A recent study found that overall quality of life and subjective experiences should be considered predictive factors in long-term recovery.
Face-To-Face Treatment Remains Gold Standard Despite Telehealth Advancements
A German research study confirmed that face-to-face treatment remains the gold standard for Binge Eating Disorder (BED).

Enhanced Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT-E)
CBT-E is the leading treatment for eating disorders like anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating disorder. Learn if it might be right for you.
Short-Term Treatment for Eating Disorders: Don’t Look Back
The most current, short-term treatment for eating disorders lasts 20 to 40 weeks, is structured, and focuses on what is happening today.